Wenyang Tang
Hi 👋, I'm wenyang, a graduate student working on NLP, more specifically on Question Answering. There are many things can be studied:
  1. How to leverage LLM to understand human intention of asking question, and give accurate answers, that's an ongoing research, there are evidences show that LLM can obtain knowledge even with rare resources, but current evaluation can only leverage little of this.
  2. Current QA systems use LLM, which is computationally intensive. How to make a QA system small while with less capability loss.
  3. Language models always show certain biases like sexism, racism etc. It can be caused by many factors, but most from the data which model was trained on, as people who wrote the text are with biases more or less.
The field is such a fast-paced, and I'm always looking for someone can work together.